Change DOB on Cathay Pacific Booking

How to change DOB on Cathay Pacific booking? 

Date of Birth is not mandatory to mention while booking a reservation with Cathay Pacific. The airline does not ask you the age at the time of booking. However, there can be some instances where you have to mention your birth date to avail of the services. These cases are particularly when you are adding an infant to the trip or if you are a senior citizen. In such cases, it is best to inform the airline about your age while booking so that the airline can make arrangements for you accordingly. Now, in case you put a wrong date of birth, it is advised to you to rectify your mistake and this article will help with this. 

Can I change date of birth on Cathay flight booking? 

As per the rules, an infant does not require any seat to book to fly with Cathay Pacific. They can simply sit in the parent's lap, but to avail of this airline service, you must mention the date of birth of your infant and present the birth certificate for proof. Now, suppose you put the wrong date, and now the date on the certificate does not match the date you mentioned in the booking. Do not worry; you can still apply for a Cathay Pacific DOB change before the departure. Follow the steps below: 

  • Visit the official website of Cathay Pacific Airlines. 
  • Locate the "Manage my Booking" portal and put the passengers' last name along with the booking reference code. 
  • Get the booking details after tapping on Retrieve Booking. 
  • In the menu, tap, find the option of change DOB, and get an online form on the next page. 
  • Now, type the correct DOB and attach the related documents, such as a birth certificate, for proof. 
  • Make the payment, if there is any, and submit the form.
  • The airline will cancel the previous ticket and send you a new ticket with the changes. 

What is the DOB change policy of Cathay Pacific Airlines? 

Cathay Pacific provides certain benefits and assistance to senior citizens and infants traveling with them to make their journey easy and risk-free. But for this, you must mention your age on the ticket. In case you have mentioned the wrong DOB, you are not eligible for any benefits. The policies of Cathay Pacific for date change are mentioned below: 

  • Date change is possible on the tickets that are purchased directly from Cathay Pacific from their official site, mobile app, Sales agent, or office of Cathay Pacific. 
  • The tickets are purchased from a travel agent. Cathay Pacific does not take any guarantee of such bookings and is not answerable to you in any query related to the change of DOB. You will have to contact the agent for help. 
  • According to the guidelines, Cathay Pacific DOB change time without any charge is 24 hours from the booking time. 
  • No change on the ticket will be entertained by the airline after the check-in. 
  • The passengers will have to pay a service fee to Cathay Pacific for making a change DOB, if they have crossed the 24-hours risk-free window. 

How much does Cathay Pacific charge for DOB change? 

We have discussed a point in this article: if you change the date of birth on the ticket after 24 hours of your booking, you will have to pay a service charge to Cathay Pacific to avail of the service. Thus, you may be intrigued to know how much they charge. On their official page, they have mentioned a Cathay Pacific DOB change fees of $40 for making any change on the ticket, including DOB change. For more information, join a representative of Cathay Pacific.