How to cancel a LOT Polish flight?

How to cancel a LOT Polish flight?

There are some uneven situations when travelers need to cancel their trip, which could be caused by bad weather conditions or illness. As you attempt the cancellation, you alternately apply for the refunds from the online page or by connecting with a live representative from LOT Polish Airlines. However, to learn the steps for canceling a Lot Polish flight, read the following section, and you will be able to derive complete information.

Online cancellation of LOT Polish flight ticket:

  • Visit the official site page of LOT Polish airlines 
  • Now, select the login tab and enter the correct credentials 
  • Tap over the manage booking tab.
  • Enter the booking reference code along with the surname
  • Once you retrieve your ticket onscreen 
  • Next, click on the cancel button, which is available next to your itinerary 
  • Finally, you have to provide the reason for cancellation and then describe it within 1000 characters, and after you submit the cancellation form, you receive a confirmation email with a complete summary.

How do I call LOT Polish to cancel my reservation?

Passengers also receive the option to cancel their reservation with the help of using the call feature, and for that, you should have the Lot Polish cancellation phone number because calling is the second best feature available to receive proper assistance. You have to call LOT Polish phone number 1-212-789-0970, and you will then listen to voicemail instructions and press the command to cancel the itinerary. Then ahead of this, you will get directly assisted by the live person.

What is the LOT Polish cancellation policy?

While you head with the ticket cancellation at LOT Polish, then in that particular scenario, the most convenient option will be reading a few essential points about Lot Polish cancellation policy, as you are going to receive proper assistance for the ticket cancellation and other norm information in reference of refunds, etc. 

  • As per the 24-hour cancellation policy, customers are allowed to cancel their trip within 24 hours of booking without any cancellation charge, and refunds will be full
  • On the other hand, if LOT Polish Airlines cancels your ticket due to a technical glitch or poor weather conditions, then rebooking gets initiated, or you will get a refund for a canceled ticket.
  • Cancellation of ticket head of 24 hours from booking will get charged as per the nominal fee, and the rest will get refunded in terms of traveling vouchers
  • If a passenger on their own cancels a LOT Polish airline ticket and is eligible for a refund, then the cancellation charges are applied to it accordingly.
  • The final point regarding the LOT Polish cancellation policy is that refundable and nonrefundable tickets are eligible for refunds on cancellation, but it majorly depends on the situation.

How much does it cost to cancel a LOT Polish flight? 

Suppose you must cancel your LOT Polish airline ticket before the 24-hour cancellation policy. In that case, the charges for the canceling access are applicable, and you have to pay $100 to $500, which is as per the cancellation charge. To know more about Lot Polish cancellation fees, the most prominent way would be to contact the customer service team assistant.